Jumat, 17 Februari 2017

History of This Blog - WIBlog #10

Hollaa guys ! In this article i want to share to you about the history of this blog.

1]. Why the name of this blos is Rhyme of Word?

Answer : This name is unthinkable for me. I was think about what is my blog's name. And i realize that i want to create my blog about a lyric of music. So, i know that aevery music have a rhyme, and music contain word. That's why this blos has named Rhyme of Word.

2]. Why in every title i has write WIBlog?

Answer : So, to answer this question, we must back before i created this blog. Before i created this blog, i already have a YouTube channel, and name of my YouTube channel is White Invander. 

You can check my YouTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkk9n84Pynawt4V6V4B4EYw.

So that is the link of my YouTube channel, and don't forget to subcribe ya :D. Hehehe :v. 

Yap, Back to the questions, WIBlog is mean White Invander Blog. So, now you know why i always write WIBlog in every title.

3]. What's included in my blog?

Answer : In my blog, i will post every lyric of music. But i not yet write a lot of lyrics. I hope in future i can write very much song lyric or maybe all of song lyric. So keep tune in my blog yeahh ! You can request a song lyrics in comment coloum and i will make it.

So, that is a little of this blog's history. I hope you know a little about me. And i am from Indonesia, so, sorry if my language is still a mess :D. I hope you happy in my Blog, and see you in next blog. Dasshhh !


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